Sunday, November 10, 2013

I'm still here :)!

To get in the mood, first click play:

Last night, after work, or better said, after getting home from work, I got a call from my dear old friend Mircea who just wasn't in the mood for sleep and came up with the idea to go out. As most of you might know already, I don't usually go out unless there's an occasion or if I'm visiting another city for example, but it's been so long since the two of us spend some time chatting that I just could not refuse.

This song was playing last night at the radio and it intrigued us both. Of course we had no idea of the name of  the song or the artist playing, but Mircea's phone found all those informations for :) It is now my new obsession... musical obsession that is!

Yeah, as you can see I'm back! I know few of you missed me, and I would like to thank you. I'm not gonna lie, it is kinda nice to be missed because it shows that you care and that all of this is not in vain.

I have no idea what the future holds for us, when or if I will ever get back to posting daily or weekly, but I know that this is not over. I am glad that you are still here and that you keep blogging. I cannot promise to post as often as before, but I can promise that I would never disappear or abandon my blog.

It is good to be back. I've missed you!

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