Thursday, September 10, 2009


Şi chiar mi se potriveşte ce mi-a ieşit ..mai puţin poate numărul 3. Este mult mai interesant să faci testul fără să ştii ce înseamnă fiecare întrebare... adică să faci testul înainte să citeşti la mine :).
Eu habar nu aveam despre ce e vorba... l-am găsit pe un site

Scanner of your heart (

1. Your choice symbolizes a person whom you could like in real life situations.
Horse - Unrestrained, freedom-loving and free.
2. Your choice symbolizes the impression that you want to have on people.
Horse - Optimism.
3. Your choice symbolizes a behavior that would make you finish your relationship with your partner (beloved one).
Snake - Your partner is too emotional and has very often mood swings and you don’t know how to deal with it.
4. Your choice symbolizes a type of relationship that you would like to have with your partner (beloved one).
Bird - Your goal - long-term relationship.
5. Your choice shows if you are capable to cheat.
Person - it is unlikely that you cheat.
6. Your choice shows your attitude to marriage.
Bengal tiger- For you, marriage is something very precious, when you get married, you will greatly appreciate your marriage and your other half.
7. Your choice shows your attitude to love.
Dove - For you, love is an equal relationship between two people.

I hope I don’t have to explain that the test is having a comic aspect, take it with humor winked

Take the test again!

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