Monday, April 20, 2015

Cum să... faci un recipient geocache

Pentru unii nimic nou, pentru alții noutate, articolul de astăzi vă prezintă modul (modurile) prin care puteți transforma sticlele de plastic în mici recipiente pentru geocaching (sau orice alte utilizări ați avea pentru un recipient atât de mic).
For some it's old news, for others might be novelty, today's post shows you how to transform plastic bottles into geocache containers (or maybe you have another use for such a container). 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Vânătoarea lui T5 / Hunting T5s

This post is written in Romanian. For English version, please click here or scroll down.

Tocmai m-am întors din Århus, cărând într-un rucsac mare, echipamentul meu de cățărat. Nu, Århus nu e un munte, e un oraș la malul mării. Danemarca nu are munți, doar câteva dealuri - altitudine maximă: 170,86 metri.

Dar totuși m-am cățărat... pentru un cache. Nu era T5 (rating maxim de teren), ci T4,5 dar tot cățărat se numește fiindcă necesită echipament special.

Friday, March 20, 2015

GBT: Svendborg on Pi Day

The hardest thing in writing something, just like in a new trip, is to start. For the writing there  is always the question of ”How should I start? What should I write first?” and for a journey, like this one I am telling you about now, the problem is usually ”Do I really wanna wake up so early? But I don't wanna get out of bed!

Yep, that's exactly what happens every time! I get very enthusiastic about the trip so I cannot fall asleep too early, and in the morning I don't wanna wake up :D

The story you're about to read is about a trip I made on March 14, 2015 - Pi Day. You know, because 3.1415926... is Pi? Same as the date 3 14 15! Yep, nice one, right? In geocaching, today you could earn two souvenirs (we talked about souvenirs in the past): one if you find a mystery cache and one if you attend an event on this day.

On Fyn (which is the island I currently reside) there were two Pi Day Events: one in the morning, in Svendborg (all the way in the south of the Island) and the other, in the evening, in Trunderup (MydFyn). I've wanted to go south from Odense for a long time, so this was the perfect opportunity! Therefore, I planned my trip and made the list of caches: almost 38 caches and 116 km from start to finish! It was going to be the biggest trip of 2015 yet!

Ziua internațională a Geocaching-ului 2021

În fiecare an, în a treia sâmbătă din luna august se sărbătorește Ziua Internațională a Geocaching-ului . Prima dată s-a întâmplat în 2011 –...